Aaron Turner Public Artist Talk!

Visiting Artist: Pao Houa Her

Her will be visiting the Photography Area and giving a public lecture about their work as well as visit the photo graduate studios. The public lecture is Wednesday, February 28th, at 6PM in room E125, Visual Arts Building.


UIOWA Photography graduates, alumni, and faculty/staff at the 2023 SPE National Conference!


Visiting Artist: Carmen Winant

The photography program is thrilled to host Ohio based artist Carmen Winant. Carmen will be lecturing on her work and research in late April of 2023, details to come soon!

Image Credit: Carmen Winant, Togethering I, 2020



Visiting Artist Rodrigo Valenzuela

The photography program will host Rodrigo Valenzuela with funding from the college as the schools first DEI in-person visiting artist. Rodrigo's lecture "Labor Standards" is scheduled for 11/16 at 6PM in 240ABW. He will be visiting graduate student studios and leading a workshop in our Photography III course! 

Image Credit: Rodrigo Valenzuela, Goalkeeper #4, 2014



2022 National Invitational Exhibition!

The University of Iowa Photography Program opened its inaugural invitational exhibition on October 3rd, 2022. This exhibition brings together the work of five peer programs across the United States (University of Iowa, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, The University of Arkansas, The University of Georgia, and Syracuse University). The mission is to share and celebrate contemporary works coming out of graduate programs. The exhibition runs from October 3rd - October 28th.  Ariel Pate, Curator of Photography at the Milwaukee Museum of Art, acted as Juror for the exhibition.

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