This course delves into advanced techniques in photography which deal with constructed images. Assignments will investigate the constructed landscape, performance for the camera, dioramas and still lifes, as well as digitally composited images. The course will cover technical aspects of studio lighting, advanced Photoshop techniques, as well as wide format roll printing. The focus of research driven slideshows will be to showcase concepts within contemporary photography. While there are high expectations for technical prowess in this course, an equal emphasis will be placed on final concepts and ideas in your photographs.
Example Projects
Diorama: Students use studio lighting techniques alongside handmade dioramas to construct small scale scenes which imply depth and utilize camera and design skills.
Still Life: Students learn about the history of still life as a artistic genre and how it still continues to be a significant mode of fine art photographic expression as well as a valued skill set in the commercial industry. In-depth studio lighting demonstrations give students the skillsets to compose, photograph, and print their own still life projects.
Advanced Portraiture: Using lighting and advanced digital editing tools students get opportunities to explore portraiture.
What to Expect!
Photography III provides students with working knowledge of advanced studio lighting techniques, large format inkjet printing, and photoshop instruction. This class is designed to provide students from a variety of backgrounds with industry leading experiences that will enhance their education as well as prepare them for a technologically diverse future. Additionally, the class emphasizes preconception of photographic ideas, discussions on the concepts behind crafted and building images, and develops students ability to discuss their work and that of their peers in a constructive environment.